1.5 Air Cube Tumble Blaster
Overall Dimensions:
Depth: 44 inches, Width: 47 inches, Height: 95 inches
Reclaim and Dust Collector Dimensions:
24 inches by 48 inches
The Raptor Blaster 1.5 Air Cube Tumble Blaster is a J-Belt tumble-style blaster for cleaning parts and objects while you do other tasks around your production shop.
Here’s some of it’s features:
- Three stationary #6 spray nozzles
- Pneumatic vertical lift door
- Two-button safety for door operation
- 200 lb. mill capacity
- Mill drive with reverse jog for easy unloading
- 900 CFM Cyclone separator and Dust Collector for 100% abrasive cleaning
- Dial type adjustable cycle tier
- 1/4 inch steel barrel heads and cabinet mill liners